Nassau Center
Sewage Pump, Booster Pump and Steam Boiler Upgrade
Nassau Center Sewage Pump, Booster Pump and Steam Boiler Upgrade
For: Nassau Center
Engineer: Nassau Engineering
Contract: 100% Complete as of February 2014
Summary: Replaced Main Sewage Pumps, Lift Rails, Duplex Control Panel, Sanitary Discharge Piping and Temporary Pumping. Removed old Domestic Water Pumps and Installed 75 HP Domestic Water Triplex Booster Skid Removed and Installed (2) New Steam Boilers.
KG Power Systems: Prime Contractor, Site Work, Mechanical and Plumbing.
Project Management:
o Submittals, CPM Schedules, Weekly Schedules, Weekly Meetings, Toolbox Safety Talks.
o On-site Foreman & Project Manager.
o Coordinated work with Nassau Medical Center, zero shutdowns allowed – 24/7 Facility.
Site Work & Temporary Systems:
o Provided Temporary Booster Pumps & Controls for DWPs
o Provided Temporary Sanitary Waste Water Pumping Systems for Main Sewage Lift Station.
o Demolished (2) existing steam boilers and concrete housekeeping pads.
o Rigging of all equipment.
o Grouting Pump Bases.
Plumbing and Mechanical Work:
o Installed new Main Sewage Pumps, Rails, DIP, CVs and Plug Valves.
o Installed new triplex booster pump, retrofitted supply and discharge piping.
o Installed, piped and started new steam boilers.
o Coordinated installation of Duplex Pump Control, start-up of sewage pump system.
o Coordinated the installation of larger service for new 75 HP Triplex Booster Skid, start-up and integration of
booster pump controls.